
NEW : Alligator Sky and Lonely Lullaby preview

Seperti yang kita tahu, Owl City sedang memproses album baru-nya yang bertajuk All Things Bright and Beautiful. Tetapi, ada salah satu single-nya yang sudah bsia dinikmati reviewnya oleh kita semua. Judul lagu tersebut adalah Alligator Sky. Di lagu ini, Adam Young berkolaborasi dengan salah satu rapper yang bernama Shawn Christopher. Lagu ini sangat asyik dan easy listening. Penasaran gimana bentuk lagunya ? Let's check this out ! :D

Single berikutnya berjudul Lonely Lullaby. Menceritakan kisah cinta Adam Young dengan salah seorang wanita bernama Ann Marie. Berdasarkan informasi yang saya peroleh, Ann Marie adalah mantan dari Adam Young, tapi Adam masih tetap mencintainya. Lagu ini sangat mellow dan sangat cocok untuk anda yang sedang jatuh cinta atau terkenang akan memori anda bersama pasangan anda. Oke langsung aja simak lagunya ! :D

Owl City - Lonely Lullaby

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Ide pembuatan posting yang berisikan beberapa kalimat gombalisasi karangan saya ini munculu setelah saya saling bergombal ria dengan teman saya tadi pagi. Disini akan saya paparkan beberapa gombalan yang saya keluarkan tadi pagi bersama teman saya. Semoga bermanfaat. Amin.

  1. Kamu suka berkebun ya ? Karena, kamu telah menebar benih-benih cinta dihatiku
  2. Tahu gak jumlah semua makhluk hidup di dunia ini ada berapa ? Yang pasti, jumlahnya masih kalah sama jumlah cinta aku ke kamu
  3. Kok di konser musik ini aku masih ngerasa sepi ya ? Oh ya, soalnya disini gak ada suara kamu yang indah dan merdu itu
  4. Eh, kok bintang-bintang di langit gak ada ya ? Oh ya aku inget, kan pindah semua ke kamu
Cuma inget segitu aja. Random.


Pray For Japan :'(

Japan in deep sadness now :'( Chck your TV or everything that include a news from Japan about huge earthquake and tsunami that happened in there. The tsunami reach 10 m, and CNN warn us if the tsunami will reach Russia. This is the screenshot about Japan on Twitter :

Let's pray for Japan and for our country too. Wish we protected by our God. And let's being nice to our earth :')

PACARAN itu apa sih ?

Aduh mesra-nya, serasa bangku punya berdua. Padahal kan milik umum.

Oke, kali ini gua bakal ngebahas tentang apa sih makna yang sebenarnya dari kata PACARAN ? Well, dalam kehidupan modern zaman sekarang, pacaran merupakan suatu aktivitas yang sudah dianggap lazim oleh sebagian orang. Namun, pacaran di zaman sekarang ada yang sudah melewati batasan dan norma-norma yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. Pelaku-nya adalah orang-orang yang seharusnya meneruskan perjuangan bangsa, yaitu PARA REMAJA.

Jujur, saya juga pacaran. Tetapi, pacaran saya masih sebatas perilaku pacaran normal, gak melakukan sebagaimana beberapa remaja zaman sekarang lakukan, misalnya berpelukan, berciuman, atau tindakan lainnya yang gak pantes dilihat di muka umum.

Peran orang tua sangat penting disini. Sebaiknya jika anda memliki seorang pasangan, kenalkanlah pasanga anda tersebut ke orang tua anda. Fungsinya adalah sebagai pengawas anda dan pemerhati situasi anda. Selain itu, gunakanlah kekasih anda sebagai motivator dan penyemangat hidup anda. Dengan begitu, maka segalanya akan berjalan lancar dan aman.

Pacaran yang sehat itu lebih indah :)


This Morning is So Random

In the first, I want to wake up and studying again about the material that will be tested today. But, when I'm sitting in the fornt of computer, I can study anymore and just open my social networks, and of of them is this blog.

Now, it's rainy so hard outside. I still sit in front of my computer thinking about something fantastic that I can used to expressed in my other social network. My brain is not creative for a few minutes :(

Still rainy outside. So hard. The situation of the earth cannot be gueesed again. They became a mysterious things. Rainy and sunny cannot be guessed again. This is caused by global warming. Oh no.

This earth is so random now, like this morning. Now I'm confused about going to school.


My Dear Brielle :)

I love you my darling farewell, MY DEAR BRIELLE :)


There's a handwritten note pressed in the door of her screened in porch
And I am sailing away recalling that day miles from shore
She was still wearing white and robins egg blue, Her grandmother's dress
When I left early this year, how I wound up here is anyone's guess
When the new sites grow old and I start to feel cold I'll sail home again

Goodbye Brielle
Only whispers can tell
Of the sweet dreams that we knew so well
I'll see you around our dear ocean town
The frozen days we set ablaze
Sent me drifting away
Like a butterfly, you floated by and now you're alone
I wish I knew when I'll be back again
So until then I wish you well
My dear Brielle

Strolling over the sand, cobblestone paths that wind through the trees
Breathing the sweet forest air makes a blue bird aware that she could be free
When the new sites grow old and I start to feel cold I'll sail home again


Toilet Here, Ideas Inside

Toilet is the best place to get a lot of ideas

Based on my experience, I got many of ideas in here. Why it can be ?

Because, when I do my "toilet activities" like poop, take a bath, pee, and the others, I always thinking about something awesome. I don't know why if I'm being here, many of ideas appeared in my brain like a ghost.

In my opinion, maybe toilet has some magic to make the person who used it have many ideas to do. Or maybe there's another kind of creature who lives in there. But the most important thing is, TOILET IS SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN OUR HOUSE. TOILET IS LIVE, BREATHING, and GIVE SOME OF THEIR MAGIC TO US.

Remember, nothing impossible

Wanna know more ? Click this >>> TOILET


When I'm Awake, I Know You There

I always think like this :

Am I still can see this world again after I awake from my sleep ?

And the answer for now is YES. But, nobody knows what will happened after I awake, just God who knows what will happened next. But i'm sure, you are there waiting for me.

Sleeping is something mysterious. Sometimes i feel afraid when I started to close my eyes in the night. I'm afraid I can't tou see ths beautiful world again. But I know, God always give me a lot of chance to be better than before. And I know, you always there to pray for me.

You know ? LOVE is something mysterious too. You never know what will you feel the truth. LOVE can be a friend if you used it well, but can be an enemy too if you too much playing around with it. But i'm sure, your LOVE just for me.

LOVE is magic, LOVE is mysterious, and when I'm awake from my sleep, i'll try to give you a lot of LOVE that I have :)


When I'm Thinking of You, I Feel Like Flying

This is my UNYU  romantic post.

I feel fallin' in love to you

Almost touch 2 years

I'm happy to be yours

I'll keep this heart just for you, but sorry, my biggest love just for :
  • Allah S.W.T
  • Nabi Muhammad S.A.W
  • My Family
But you must know, I love you more than you know.

I'm sure you'll be the last for me

This post is for you :)

#1st Day of Second Term Mid Test

Today, i did my first Mid Test on Second Term at my school, Cilegon High School 1, or in Indonesian usually called SMA NEGERI 1 CILEGON or in urban language, SMANCIL.

Today, the day is started with PKn Test. This test wasn't really hard. But when jumped into next test, everything was changed. Suddenly, the atmosphere in my room changed into HORROR. You know what ? This test almost made me going crazy. Yup, that test was CHEMISTRY test. There was one number that i can't finished. But it's ok. Just relax. -_________-

Today, the day is ended with Geography test. The atmosphere turned into the usual. Oh My God, CHEMISTRY ALMOST MADE ME CRAZY --"

Chemistry, please forgive all of my mistakes to you. I promise will be better than before. Forget our past memories, because it can make me much crazier than before. Thank you.



I got this info from this SITE from my friend , read carefully :

in Twitter

owlcity Owl City
by priskawibisana
International tour dates coming soon -- Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Europe, Japan, Korea, the Philippines and Indonesia.

by Owl City Site...


I'm really excited to get things going internationally once again, although there's not much I can tell you just yet. Look for the official announcement of all international dates (including visits to Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Europe, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and...wait for it...Indonesia!) on the All Things Bright and Beautiful World Tour soon. Stay tuned...

OWL CITY put INDONESIA on their ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL tour list ! :D Wish this info tell the truth :D OWL CITY FOR INDONESIA ! :))